To achieve this, synthetic monitoring is an essential tool. New Relic, a leading application performance monitoring platform, offers powerful features for monitoring and analyzing web applications.

  1. Setting up a New Relic account: To begin using synthetics monitoring in New Relic, you need to create an account on the New Relic platform if you haven’t already. Once registered, you can access the New Relic dashboard and proceed with configuring synthetics monitoring.
  1. Navigating to synthetics: In the New Relic dashboard, locate the “Synthetics” tab and click on it. This section is specifically designed for monitoring the availability and performance of your applications through synthetic monitoring.
  2. How to set up synthetics monitoring in New Relic: To create a new synthetic monitor and enable monitoring in New Relic, click on the “Monitors” tab within the Synthetics section. Then, select the “New Monitor” button to begin the setup process.
  3. Configuring monitor settings: You will be asked to specify several settings after choosing the type of monitor. This includes giving the monitor a name, specifying its frequency, determining the locations from which the monitor will run, and defining the expected response code or content. Pay close attention to these settings to ensure they match your application’s specific requirements while setting up synthetics monitoring in New Relic.
  4. Scripted browser monitoring: For more complex scenarios, New Relic offers scripted browser monitoring as a way to set up synthetics monitoring. This feature allows you to simulate user interactions and test specific workflows. You can record a script using New Relic’s browser automation capabilities, which enables you to replicate user actions like form submissions, clicks, and scrolling. This provides valuable insights into your application’s performance from an end-user perspective.
  5. Alerting and notifications: An important aspect of synthetics monitoring is receiving prompt notifications of any application issues. New Relic allows you to configure alerts based on specific conditions, such as a failed monitor or a performance threshold breach. By setting up notifications, you can ensure that the relevant stakeholders are informed through email, SMS, or other communication channels when critical events occur.
  6. Analyzing synthetic data: Within the Synthetics section of the New Relic dashboard, you will find a variety of reports and visualizations to help you analyze the data collected by your synthetic monitors. These insights can help identify patterns, performance bottlenecks, and areas for improvement within your application.
  7. Integrations and collaboration: New Relic offers integrations with various collaboration tools like Slack and Jira, which facilitate incident management and effective communication with your team. Explore these integrations to streamline collaboration when addressing application issues.
  8. Continuous monitoring and iteration: Learning how to set up synthetics monitoring in New Relic is just the beginning. Synthetic monitoring is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and iteration. As your application evolves, it is crucial to review and update your synthetic monitors accordingly. Regularly assess the performance thresholds, expected responses, and user workflows to ensure that your monitoring remains effective.

Synthetic Monitoring vs. Real User Monitoring

Parameters Synthetic MonitoringReal User Monitoring (RUM)
Monitoring typeMonitors entire system  Available in off-peak hours
Extent Competitive benchmarking Full web performance 
ConditionNetwork and browser condition Real user condition
Implementation On any website Own website 
Off peak Monitoring Off-peak Monitoring Limited availability 
JavaScriptNot needed Required 
Geographic rangeWorldwide Limited test locations 
Root cause Identifies Doesn’t 
Detection Proactive detection After impacting users
Benchmarking Suitable for benchmarks Not ideal for benchmarking 

Synthetic monitoring has become essential in the modern digital landscape for proactive application performance management. Leverage the power of synthetic monitoring to gain valuable insights, proactively identify issues, and deliver a seamless user experience on your website or web application.

Synthetic monitoring is a method used to monitor the performance, availability, and functionality of web applications, websites, and APIs. It involves simulating user paths to gather insights and predict issues that may affect the performance of your application or website.

Synthetic monitoring combines machine learning and artificial intelligence to help you effectively manage your web applications. It is different from Real User Monitoring (RUM), which involves manually tagging user actions instead of simulating them.

Benefits of synthetic monitoring for global businesses

There are several benefits of synthetic monitoring for global businesses. It has a predictive nature and can analyze operational data to forecast potential issues. Another benefit is global performance monitoring, which enables you to test your app’s performance from several places and guarantee a consistent user experience.

Synthetic monitoring also helps with regulatory compliance, ensuring that your application meets regional data privacy regulations. It is effective for monitoring complex applications and can simulate user interactions, test API performance, and identify performance bottlenecks and problematic integrations. It also supports benchmarking and SLA monitoring, allowing you to set performance standards for third-party services and track compliance.

New Relic Synthetic Monitoring is a tool that simulates user interactions with websites and apps. It proactively monitors your website’s performance and alerts you to errors or anomalies. It offers various types of monitoring, such as availability (ping), SSL certificate expiration, page link crawler, page load performance, user flow/functionality, endpoint availability, and user step execution.

Synthetic monitoring sign up for an account on their website

To set up synthetic monitoring in New Relic, you need to sign up for an account on their website. Once registered, you can configure monitors for availability and page load performance. Availability monitoring checks if your website is online, while page load performance monitoring analyzes the performance and load time of a single page. You can set the duration and select locations from where the monitoring will be conducted.

New Relic Synthetic Monitoring provides detailed results and insights, allowing you to identify performance issues and optimize your website or app. It is a secure tool that protects your data through encryption, private monitoring capabilities, and secure credential storage.

By utilizing synthetic monitoring, you can stay ahead of potential problems and ensure a seamless user experience for your website or application. It is a proactive approach that helps you address issues before they impact real users, allowing you to take the necessary steps to maintain optimal performance.



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